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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Trump will be able to skip 18 years

US Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump in 1995 and 91 million in the income statement announced losses of 60 million dollars. He took the opportunity to display these losses can be avoided if the central government for 18 years. Eprakasita US daily New York Times noted in a report.
However, Trump said pracarasibira election, Clinton's campaign to join the New York Times has published this purpose. However, they refused to disclose tax return as usual trump. They also claim that the newspaper has neither confirmed nor denied.
The New York Times reported, the analysis of the income tax was appointed experts. Experts said that, Trump showed losses of $ 91 million to 60 million. Taking advantage of 18 years, he may not be. He took advantage of the opportunity, especially given the rich.

The newspaper report, a three-page document came to them. Jack Mitnick, a former accountant Triumph (Triumph of the income tax during the nineties to care), said the documents seemed credible to him.

However, pitched their trump campaign statement, "Trump is a brilliant businessman. That amount must be in accordance with the law to pay taxes, more taxes than the risk from the business, family and staff has the responsibility to sustain a kind of custodianship. "

Since 1976, the US presidential candidates have expressed their tax return but did not want to trump it. TV debate on Monday, Clinton said, the Trump "something terrible" trying to cover up.

The New York Times Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton campaign has seized on the report to camp. His camp spokesman Brian Fallon message of this report, 'bombshell' called. Tweet, he wrote, how bad businessman Trump said his statement was diagnosed. For how long, he abstained from any tax, the evidence found.

Clinton camp said that the report failed to trump the record business has leaked in the past. Triumph strategy has been uncovered by the report, and it has been confirmed that the end of the game.

8 detained Bangladeshi legal aid initiatives in the United States

The US state of Texas, El Paso detention center has been launched hunger strikers 8 Bangladeshis legal aid. Bangladesh Embassy in Washington Minister (Consular) said. Shamsul Alam Chowdhury said.
About six months ago, the crime of illegally entering the United States, Texas, border police arrested two countries. Then they applied for political asylum in the United States. However, the application was not accepted now in the process of returning to their country.
Bangladesh Embassy Minister (Consular) Shamsul Alam, Bangladesh hunger strikers met and talked with the relevant authorities of their legal status. The first light, he said, "is trying to do everything possible in this regard. They are our citizens, our responsibility to consider their safety and welfare aspects. "
However, 5 of the 35-year-old Bangladeshi national human to human traffickers in South America, Mexico, the United States, several countries tried to enter the crossing. After being detained two others elsewhere in Texas at the time, was sent out. The number of Bangladeshis detained in the detention center in El Paso is now 8.
Bangladeshis detained by US human rights organization has come forward to help the Friends of Legal diteinisa. Atikura members of the organization in Florida, the first light of the detainees already has sent back 45 Bangladeshis. The documents will be returned to them, go to the ambulatory. However, there is the opportunity to appeal against the order.
Atiqur Rahman, the detained Bangladeshis for their party's supporters claim that the United States is said to have applied for asylum. However, most of them have no legal identity. The judge did not take cognizance of the application.
Shamsul Alam Chowdhury of Bangladesh Embassy first light on Saturday morning, said that the Bangladeshis were detained, it is unthinkable. Most can not speak English. Bangladesh Embassy that it is legally possible for them. For this, he will meet with them again soon.

Relations with Pakistan will continue, will quarrel

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেছেন, মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধের বিচার নিয়ে পাকিস্তানের বিরূপ মন্তব্যের পরও দেশটির সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক থাকবে। তিনি বলেছেন, দেশটির সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক চলবে, ঝগড়াঝাঁটিও চলবে। মুক্তিযুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান পরাজিত শক্তি। তাদের পছন্দের লোকেদের বিচার হচ্ছে। তাই তারা তো কাঁদবেই।

আজ রোববার বিকেলে গণভবনে সংবাদ সম্মেলনে প্রশ্নের জবাবে শেখ হাসিনা এ কথা বলেন। প্রধানমন্ত্রী তাঁর যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও কানাডা সফর সম্পর্কে অবহিত করতে এই সংবাদ সম্মেল​ন করেন। সংবাদ সম্মেলনের শুরুতে তিনি জাতিসংঘ অধিবেশনে যোগদান, কানাডা সফর, দুটি পুরস্কার গ্রহণ, ছেলে সজীব ওয়াজেদ জয়ের পুরস্কার গ্রহণ অনুষ্ঠানে অংশ নেওয়া, বিভিন্ন সেমিনারে বক্তব্য দেওয়াসহ ১৬ দিনের সফরের বিভিন্ন দিক তুলে ধরেন। তিনি এই সফরকে অত্যন্ত ফলপ্রসূ বলে মন্তব্য করেন।
লিখিত বক্তব্যের পর সাংবাদিকদের প্রশ্নের জবাব দেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী। প্রথম প্রশ্ন ছিল মানবতাবিরোধী অপরাধের বিচার নিয়ে পাকিস্তানের নানা মন্তব্যের পর দেশটির সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক পুনর্বিবেচনা করা হবে কি না? জবাবে শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, ‘দুটি দেশের মধ্যে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক থাকে। মতভিন্নতাও থাকতে পারে। মুক্তিযুদ্ধে পরাজিত পাকিস্তান শক্তি, তাই তারা তাদের পেয়ারা বান্দাদের জন্য কাঁদছে। কিন্তু আমরা তো বিচার বন্ধ করিনি। বিচার চলছে। পাকিস্তান মন্তব্য করছে, আমরা এর জবাব দিচ্ছি। দেশটির সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক চলবে, ঝগড়াঝাঁটিও চলবে।’ তিনি বিএনপিকে ইঙ্গিত করে বলেন, দেশের ভেতরের একটি দল এ ধরনের লোকদের মন্ত্রী বানিয়েছে। দেশের ভেতরে বসে দালালি করেছে। আগে তাদের ব্যাপারে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হবে।
সার্ক থাকার দরকার আছে কি না এবং পাকিস্তানকে বাদ নিয়ে বিকল্প কিছু করার কোনো চিন্তা বাংলাদেশের আছে কি না এমন প্রশ্নের জবাবে প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও আওয়ামী লীগ সভানেত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, এ ব্যাপারে তাঁর একক ভাবে বলার কিছু নেই, সেটা উচিতও হবে না। সার্কের চেয়ারপারসন এখন নেপাল। বাংলাদেশ চেয়ারপারসন বাংলাদেশ নয়। এই সিদ্ধান্ত সবাই মিলে নিতে হবে। সার্কের কি হবে।
নির্বাচন কমিশন গঠনে বিএনপি ভূমিকা রাখতে চায়, আলোচনা চায়। বিএনপির এই আগ্রহের ব্যাপারে সরকারের অবস্থান কি হবে জানতে চাইলে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, বিএনপি কি ধরনের নির্বাচন কমিশন চায়। তারা কি এমন কমিশন চায় যারা এক কোটির বেশি ভুয়া ভোটার তালিকায় আনবে। বর্তমান কমিশন তো এটা ক​রেনি। তাদের (বিএনপি) পরামর্শ নিলে তো ভুয়া ভোটার তালিকা করে দেবে এমন কমিশন করতে হবে।
পাকিস্তান-ভারতের মধ্যে সাম্প্রতিক উত্তেজনা প্রসঙ্গে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘আমরা যুদ্ধ চাই না। যুদ্ধ হলে আমাদের অগ্রগতিতেও বাধা সৃষ্টি হবে। আমরা চাই দুই দেশ নিজেরাই তাদের সমস্যার সমাধান করুক।’
সরকারি ভাবে একটি খেলার চ্যানেল করা যায় কি না এমন প্রস্তাব প্রধানমন্ত্রী নাকচ করে দেন। তবে সংসদ টেলিভিশনের সময় থেকে কয়েক ঘণ্টা খেলার জন্য বরাদ্দ দেওয়া যায় কি না সেটা দেখা যেতে পারে বলে মন্তব্য করেন ​তিনি।

The second stage of the coal-fired power project canceled

Rampal coal-fired power plant in the second phase of the project, the government decided not to. The UN science, education, culture and heritage agency UNESCO said the decision had been made to response.
In August, the government of Bangladesh to the UNESCO report, Rampal power plant for the first phase of a huge amount of water extracted from the river to the animals of the forest ecosystems will be affected. Another coal-fired power plant project in the second phase of the government, then the loss will be more. They expressed concern that UNESCO has recommended canceling the project Rampal.
UNESCO has created a 30-page response to the report, the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Most of the 7-page response to the UNESCO mention the fear is not correct, the use of advanced technology in the Power of the project will not harm the forest.
In response to the concerns of UNESCO has been said, has learned from the Ministry, the second phase of the project has already been canceled Rampal. As a result, there is no question of animal extraction of excess water from the river.
Asked Energy and Power Minister Hamid said first light, "Rampal the first stage of the project we're working on is fair. The second stage is the production of electricity from coal, apart from any other source, whether we're checking. "
In August, the Working Committee meeting of the Bangladesh-India Energy-Power project is the second phase of the coal-fired power plant is not recommended by any other source. The first stage of the project at Rampal land acquisition for solar power is not, to be examined are discussed.
Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports Professor Anu Muhammad, member of the National Committee to Protect light, "Rampal coal-fired power plant project, the second phase of the government's decision not to seem to be moving towards a positive decision. This trend continued in the ramapalasaha 150 industries in the area has been approved to the Sundarbans to cancel all of its own should be allowed to stay. "
Power and Energy Ministry sources, the acquisition of land for the second phase of the project has already Rampal power project can be of any type, to verify that an expert committee has been formed. The committee solar, biogas plyantasaha bayubidyut ranging from power generation to explore the possibility of watching all of the source.

In the first stage of the project for the 010 Power 915 and 015 in the 915 acres of land was acquired for the second phase. Two of the 320-megawatt coal-fired power plants in two stages 1 to set up was announced.

In July last year, the Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) The second phase of land development, construction of the boundary wall of the 454-billion-dollar project is approved. The project is 1 million 7 million 13 thousand cubic meters of earth filling, and is planning to build 14 thousand meter boundary.

 Power Division sources, the government is primarily responsible for the second phase of the Rampal power project in Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company was planning to. The alliance bright Kanti Bhattacharya, managing director of the company's first light, "Rampal has no plan to expand the project. Rampal second phase of land acquisition for the government to set up saurabidyutkendra proposal was given to us. We have heard, however, the government is thinking of solar power. "

Sultana Kamal, convener of the National Committee to Protect Sundarbans first light, "we do not want anything to damage to the Sundarbans. The coal-fired power plant near Sundarbans harm, it must make sure that we're opposed. Rampal is now in the second phase, from any other source than coal-fired electricity generation scheme takes, it will tell us officially desabasisaha. After you complete data about their plans, we will notify our position. "

Lata Mangeshkar to receive Bangabibhushan award

DHAKA: To honor her contributions to Bengali songs, West Bengal government will confer this year’s ‘Bangabibhushan’ to legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday (September 17) told reporters at the state Secretariat about the decision taken by her government, reports the Indian Express.
“Lata Mangeshkar has sung innumerable memorable Bengali songs. To honour her contribution, we have decided to confer her with the Bangabibhushan award this year. I have spoken to her and she has agreed to it,” Banerjee said.
The award will be conferred to Mangeshkar after the Durga Puja, Banerjee said adding a letter in this regard has already been sent to the singer.
The chief minister along with Sanjiv Goenka, chairman of the music and media company Saregama, formerly HMV, with whom Mangeshkar had recorded several hit songs, would visit the singer at her Mumbai residence to confer the award, she said.
The Trinamool Congress government had started conferring Bangabibhushan to eminent personalities for their contribution to various fields since 2011. Danseuse Amala Shankar was the first person to receive of the award.

No publicity of Tourism Year in Madhabkunda

MOULVIBAZAR: The government declared 2016 as ‘Tourism Year’ to attract the tourists both from home and abroad but there was nothing observed in support of this declaration in Madhubkunda Waterfall, one of the most popular tourist spots in the country, and in eco-park at Barlekha upazila in Moulvibazar district.
The people concerned said that this declaration is only in papers to attract the tourists. “No leaflet was found to the authorities regarding the Madhubkunda Waterfall let alone the ‘Tourism Year’.”
Thousands of tourists from home and abroad were seen visiting the largest waterfall of the country as well as the biodiversity of the eco-park everyday. At the same time, they visit the herbal tea orchards. They were seen passing pleasant time by taking photographs during bathing in the waterfall.
Moreover, temples, mermaid sculptures and egrets of Madhabkunda attract many visitors. Those who love adventure can use the trail passing through the almost inaccessible Parikunda. But, many do know the lively youth of Parikundua during the rainy season as it is deep inside the hilly area.
A team of 45 have come from Elenga of Tangail district to visit the tourist spots in Sylhet. Of them, one is Rubel Hossain, a teacher of zoology, said he never visited this area and only heard about it. “This time I have come here to enjoy leaving the familial bindings behind.”
“Besides the waterfall, I am learning about various kinds of birds, animals and trees,” Rubel said. “But there are no documents here so that tourists can learn about the biodiversity of this area.”
When asked about ‘Tourism Year’, Rubel’s companion Asadul Shahin, a government college official, said he had read about it in newspapers but did not find any campaign in this regard here.
Abdul Wahab, an official of a private organization in Dhaka, said that the initiative of the government is praiseworthy but if it remains confined in declaration then it will be not successful.
“There is no document at Madhabkunda Waterfall and at other places about the tourist spots of Sylhet. Let alone the foreign tourists, even the tourists from other districts of Bangladesh do not know anything about the spots. The authorities concerned should think over it.”
There is a rest house and restaurant of Bangladesh Tourism Corporation (BTC) at Madhabkunda eco-park. There is no publicity about the Tourism Year even at those places!
Meanwhile, the authorities expected at least 10 lakh tourists would visit the country in 2016.
Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB) CEO Akhtaruz Zaman Khan Kabir told banglanews that they planned to brand Bangladesh as “Beautiful Bangladesh” in the Tourism Year and are working to meet the target.
How to go to Madhabkunda:
You will have to go around nine kilometers from Barlekha sadar upazila of Moulvibazar district via Jurimukhi and Kanthaltoli Bazar to reach Madhabkunda eco-park.
Green tea gardens on small hills on both sides of the road will welcome the tourists. There is a BGB outpost on the left of the road. Then move ahead and you will find the eco-park.
The park is located at 72-km from Sylhet, 70-km from Moulvibazar and 32-km from Kulaura railway junction. Tourists can reach Madhabkunda from any area of the country easily.
Entry fee in the eco-park for every person is Tk 10. There are changing rooms inside the park for the tourists.
You will get food and handicrafts at the gate.

Tourism can generate local employment: Menon

TEA HEAVEN RESORT (SREEMANGAL): Civil aviation and tourism minister Rashed Khan Menon opined that local people can extensively be employed through the development of tourism.
He came up with the announcement while addressing a discussion on the prospects of tourism in greater Sylhet.
A tourist creates jobs for 11 persons, he added.
The minister also put importance to prioritize the safety and security of tourists and asked the authorities concerned to highlight the tourist areas as Tourist Products.
Organized by Banglanews, the discussion was held at Tea Heaven Resort in Sreemangal on Sunday morning (July 24).
Putting emphasis on keeping the spots clean, the minister said litter-free tourist spots would attract more visitors.
He also said connectivity is very important for the development of tourism in any country.
How a tourist will be attracted to visit if they need much time than the usual to go to Bichhakandi?, he asked.
The minister also pledged to open Shamsernagar airport within a year, saying it will have positive impact on tourism.
Menon further said due to the shortage of budget the government is not being able to construct tourism offices in the every district.
He requested the local people to be tourism-friendly and warned against being too much greedy which is destroying the environment, forests and creating imbalance in ecology.
The minister also requested the owners of hotels and motels to come forward with package tour programs to attract more tourists.
Earlier, banglanews senior output editor Zakaria Mondol and assistant output editor Ashif Aziz conducted a presentation of the reports published recently by banglanews on Sylhet tourist spots though a projector.
Senior assistant super of Moulvibazar tourist police AKM Mosharraf Hossain, Sreemangal upazila nirbahi officer (acting) Biswajit Kumar Paul, Sreemangal police station OC M Mahbubur Rahman, Tea Heaven Resort managing director Sultan M Idris Ledu and director Abu Siddique Mohammad Musa and Sreemangal Inn’s chairman Mosayed Ali had attended the discussion.
Besides, Sreemangal press club general secretary M Idris Ali, Sreemangal union parishad chairman Bhanulal Roy, Climate-Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) communication officer Obaidul Fatah Tanvir and high-ups of local administration, forest department, and representatives of tourism related government and non-government offices also were present here.’s editor-in-chief Alamgir Hossain presided over the discussion while head of news Mahmood Menon and Lifestyle editor Sharmina Islam were moderators.
Sreemangal Inn, Tea Heaven Resort, Nirvana Inn and Ispahani sponsored the event.

BNP announces 2-day program in Dhaka

DHAKA: Dhaka metropolitan unit of BNP announced a two-day program to protest arrest warrant against party’s senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman.
Standing committee member Mirza Abbas, also Dhaka metropolitan BNP convener, made the announcement at party’s joint meeting at Bhashani Bhaban in city’s Nayapaltan area on Saturday (October 1).
The programs include demonstrations in Dhaka metro area on October 2 and rally on October 3.
Mirza Abbas alleged that extreme cruelty has reached in such a level that party’s activists are being detained from their houses and they are facing false cases.
“Even, they are not being allowed to observe any program,” he added.
He also urged party leaders and activists to make the programs successful to restore democracy in the country.
BNP standing committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, BNP chairperson’s adviser Abdul Awal Mintu and Jubo Dal acting president Abdus Salam were, among others, present in the meeting.

BCB declares practice match squad against England

DHAKA: Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) announced the squad, titled BCB XI, for the practice match against visiting England cricket team which is scheduled to be played on October 4 (Tuesday).
The 50-over match will be played at Khan Saheb Osmani Stadium in Fatullah of Narayanganj.
The squad includes Ebadat Hossain, who was discovered during the Robi Pacer Hunt program.
BCB XI Squad: Soumya Sarkar, Nazmul Hossain Shanta, Nasir Hossain, Shuvagata Hom Chowdhury, Mohammad Al Amin, Nurul Hasan Sohan, Sunzamul Islam, Kamrul Islam Rabbi, Alauddin Babu, Al-Amin Hossain, Ebadat Hossain, M Manik.
Earlier, the English cricket team, led by Jos Butler, arrived in Dhaka on September 30 (Friday) to play a full series of three one-day-international (ODI) match series and two test matches.
The first two ODIs will be played at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Mirpur of Dhaka on October 7 and October 9 respectively.
The third ODI will be played at Zohur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in Chittagong on October 12.
The first test match will also be played at Zohur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in Chittagong from October 20 to 24 while the second test will be held at Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka from October 28 to November 1.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

( Online Appointment ) Service for expats to get family visas launched

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) will launch an online appointment service next Sunday, which will be provided by the General Department of Expatriate Affairs, in line with the directives of the minister of interior to facilitate procedures for beneficiaries of services provided by MOI and its sectors.
The service beneficiaries can visit the MOI e-Portal ( and click on (Family Bringing), and then (make an appointment). Then an expat resident can visit the selected administration in the Riyadh region, Makkah region, or Eastern region to complete the procedure.
The ministry explained that a service to issue visas online, for expat residents to bring their families in